Sunday, November 18, 2012

it's now on netflix and i know you're watching. so why don't you watch with me?

Yesterday it occurred to me that the next time May 14 rolls around it will mark ten years since Dawson’s Creek aired its finale. (Remember those WB promos that played pretty much all of 2003? The “Countdown to Goodbye?” No? Well, I still cherish them.) Upon this realization, a few things subsequently came to me:
  1. I could rewatch Dawson's over the next six months, a season each month, concluding with the finale on May 14, 2013. It will be like a pseudo-Infinite Summer (which I've tried like three times with no success) but bearable (sorry DFW).
  2. This viewing is going to have to be via Netflix (ugh new music) because I no longer have VHS tapes of the TBS broadcasts.
  3. I should write to Program Planning at TBS (anyone have connections?) and ask them why they took the show out of their morning schedule and if they could so kindly return it. (Bummer that it wasn’t USA that bought the syndication rights.)
  4. I should “blog” about my experience rewatching the show.
  5. I’m so sorry.
  6. No one is going to care about me blogging through the show but it will give me something to do, i.e. start and then finish, which qualifies as productivity and I have so little productivity right now that the process itself will be fulfilling. I mean I find going to the butcher for my mom productive. So it really does not take much.
  7. My mom keeps saying that I need to create opportunities of learning for myself in my post-collegiate life. I still have not figured out what she means (other than her refusing to pay for me to take a class at The New School) but maybe I am getting warmer?
  8. I don’t think she will count blogging about Dawson’s Creek as a creation of a new learning opportunity but then again I buy books (and try to read them) that I hear about on Fresh Air but I have yet to consider that a learning opportunity. 
  9. At this point even I’ve stopped reading.

So here is what I am (planning on) doing: I am going to watch a season a month, straight through, and write about it. “It” referring to both the series and my experience rewatching the series. I teach SATs. I know all about the ambiguous antecedent. Calm down.

So happy reading (or not).



    love this shit.

    greg will be so proud.
    kevin will be so proud.
    josh will be so proud.
    katie will be so proud.
    robin will not be so proud.
